Doctoreyes Oral HIV Test Kit
EAN CodeX4896565454541
Due to the window period, purchase of 3 packs is recommended.
Negative result does not guarantee there is no HIV antibody in low concentration. Thus the test should be repeated in day 1, day 16 and day 90 if you suspect of being infected.
* Due to different registration requirements by different governments, this item can only be shipped to Hong Kong address. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. *
Simple testing procedure, you can all do it yourself at home
For you and your loved one, perform a safe and accurate test.
- Increase user test rate: Blood collection due to elimination of safety concerns and pain. Easier for test children and obese patients who are difficult to draw blood
- Safe: Blood that does not need to be treated greatly reduces the risk of exposure to healthcare personnel. Eliminate the risk of accidental HIV infection for high-risk patients, reduce the risk of contamination without blood sampling
- Fast: Results generated within 20 minutes.
- Easy to use: Almost no special training is required, everyone can easily collect samples.
Principle of the procedure
The assay starts by taking the saliva sample with the oral swab provided. The HIV antigen-colloidal gold conjugate embedded in the sample pad reacts with the HIV antibody present in saliva sample forming conjugate/HIV antibody complex. As the mixture is allowed to migrate along the test strip, the conjugate/HIV antibody complex is captured by a second antibody immobilized on a membrane forming a colored test band in the test zone. A negative sample does not produce a test band due to the absence of colloidal gold conjugate/HIV antibody complex. The antigens used in the conjugate test are recombinant proteins that correspond to highly immunoreactive regions of HIV1 and HIV2. A colored control band in the control zone appears at the end of test procedure regardless of test result. This control band is the result of colloidal gold conjugate binding to the anti-HIV antibody immobilized on the membrane. The control band indicates that the colloidal gold conjugate is functional.
How testing works
1: Take out the test tube and oral swab for use and Invert gently tube loaded three times before opening the tube.
2: Hold the swab, scrub along with superior gum line back and forth with swab, from one side of oral cavity to another side, then scrub along with the superior gum line to the starting site ( 5-6 seconds). Then turn the swab over,scrub with lower gum line repeat as done before.
3: Insert the swab into the tube immediately, immerse the swab into sample diluent. Make two sides of swab against the tube wall successively and scrap up and down for 6-8 times.
4: Take out the test strip from aluminium-foil bag (Note: Do not touch the middle of the strip), insert the test strip into test tube at the arrow-down direction. Please ensure that liquid does not exceed the lower position of arrow in the color label.
5: After 15 minutes, the result will be appeared (Note: time to read result shall not exceed 30 minutes.)
Test Results
Negative: If only one red QC line appears in the test strip, the result is negative.
Positive: If both test line and QC line look like the result is positive.
Invalid: If there's no red line or only the test line appearing the test result is invalid.
Note: The reliability and accuracy of test result should be guaranteed only by collecting sample in at least 15 minutes after eating food and drinking liquid.
Product hotline
If you have any question on Doctoreyes HIV Oral test kit, please call Chi Shing Biotech Co. Ltd., Hong Kong Hotline: +852 2232-0626, Professional consultant will answer your questions.
Support hotlines
For any positive test result, an additional testing is necessary to confirm a preliminary positive result. You may seek support and further consultation from the following hotline and HIV antibody testing services:
- *Use a condom only once. Non-vaginal use of condoms may increase the risk of them slipping or being damaged.
- *No method of contraception can provide 100% protection against pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including AIDS.